30. Dezember 2023

On the road again 2: Exercises

How was your flight? Are you tired ? crowded tiring comfortable awful take a nap very quiet terrible blankets newspapers exhausting freshen up
Bist Du müde? Es war zu kalt. Es war sehr voll. frisch machen gemütlich Decke ein Nickerchen machen sehr ruhig ausruhen etwas trinken Zeitung Flugzeug

If a plane is full of people, it is called.....?

Choose the right term, please!



Choose the right term!


Complete (vervollständige) the sentence and choose (wähle) the correct translation, please!


It was too cold to sleep, now I am....?



Listen and choose the correct translation, please!



Choose the right term, please!



Listen and choose the correct translation, please!



What do you need for listening music on the plane?

Choose the right term, please!