4. Februar 2024

Easy Talk 2: Exercises

onion soup mashed potatoes medium potatoes and peas shellfish prawn roast beef trout rare lobster
Rinderbraten Wie möchten Sie den Rinderbraten? Gut durch, bitte! Hühnchen mit Erbsen Pommes frites Kartoffelpürré anstatt von Forelle und Garnelen Nudeln eigentlich

Look at the picture below and choose the right answer, please!



Please listen! What is the correct translation?


What is the translation for "leicht angebraten" ? Tick the right answer, please!



Look at the picture, please! Tick the right (two) answers, please!


Look at the picture, please! What is the name of the fish?

Tick the right answer, please!


Please look at the picture and tick the right answer!