30. Januar 2024

On the road again 27: Exercises

courage parachute jump unfortunately I’m scared of heights choice of products sea sick I was surprised cereal making sense candies and chips
Wenn ich den Mut habe Was gibt’s Neues? Einkaufswagen Einkaufskorb Tiefkühlkost Konservendosen Milchprodukte Haushaltswaren Produktauswahl Obst und Gemüse

Please have a look at the picture.

What do the people do?


Have a look at the picture, please!

What is the right term?



Please have a look at the picture.

What is the right term?


Please listen! What is the correct translation?


What is the meaning of "canned"?

Tick the right answer, please!

Please listen and translate, tick the correct answer!


What is the correct translation for "Einkaufswagen"?

Have a look at the picture, please!

What is the correct term?


What is a "big choice"?

Please tick the right answer!

Please listen and tick the correct translation!