21. Januar 2024

On the road again 16: Exercises

Have a great day! Let’s do a horsback ride. Half day trip curious almost to decide valley to escape degrees rafting
Floß fahren Ausritt neugierig sein Tal unglaublich Ein großartiger Tag reiten fast entfliehen Grad Temperatur

Please look at the picture and complete this sentence:

The litte boy is....



Please listen und tick the correct translation!


Please look at the picture and tick the correct for this activity!



Please listen and tick the right translation!



What can be exhausting?

There are two right answers!

What is the translation for the German word "entscheiden"?

Listen and tick the right answer, please!

Have a look at the picture, please!

What is the correct term?



Look at the picture, please!

What does the man do?