21. Januar 2024

On the road again 15: Exercises

Can you help us, please? What happened, Sir? Beware of pickpockets! burglar police officer thief wallet it turns out valuables to turn to someone
sich in acht nehmen Ecke Stadtzentrum stehlen, ausrauben Polizeibeamter Dieb Wertsachen Portemonee Passant Taschendieb Können Sie helfen?


Please look at picture and tick the right term!






Please translate!


"Mein Auto wurde gestohlen."

Look at the picture, please!

What is the right term?


Please tick the valuables, three answers are correct!

Look at the picture, please! What is the right term?



What can happen (passieren) , if your are mugged?

What do you feel?


Listen and tick the right translation, please!



Please find the correct translation an tick it!


"Beware to the dog!"

Look at the picture, please!

What is the right term?


What is the meaning of "it turns out" ?

Please tick the right answer!

Please complete the following sentence!

(Bitte vollenden Sie den folgenden Satz!)


We are parking our car...