20. Januar 2024

On the road again 12: Exercises

How long was your hike? It was three days long. fries gather queue tour guide located get off the bus trail well done
Gut gemacht! Tagesausflug Steigt in den Bus ein! Warteschlange Reiseleiter Wanderweg (sich)versammeln Pommes frites (USA) Tagesausflug Es ist nicht erlaubt. Erfahrungen

Look at the picture, please! What are the people doing?

Tick the right answer, please.



What do you call someone who leads a tour group?

Tick the right answer, please!



Please listen and tick the right answer!



What is another word for when people come together? Tick the right answer, please!



Have a look at the picture, please!

What are the two correct answers?



Look at the picture, please? What is the right term?


What is the correct translation for "gut gemacht"?



What is the english word for "Erfahrung"?

Tick the correct translation, please!

Look at the sentence below, please!  (Schauen Sie sich bitte den Satz unten an)

What is the correct answer?



"Der Bahnhof ist gut gelegen."