25. Februar 2024

Easy Talk 9: Exercises

nearly king size available view buffet indeed twin room Feiertag single bed floor
Etage übergroßes Bett Einzelbett Zimmer mit Sitzgelegenheit in der Tat verfügbar, frei fast Aussicht Zweibettzimmer vergessen

Do you know, what a "single bed" could be?

Tick the correct translation, please!



There are different terms for the German word "Kunde".

Tick two of the right ones, please!


What is the meaning of "not at all"?

Choose the right term, please!

Please listen! What is the correct translation?


What is the meaning of "nearly"?

Choose the correct answer, please!

What is a "twin room"?

Tick the correct answer, please!


There are different translations for "holiday".

Please tick the three correct ones!

What is the meaning of "junior suite"?

Please tick the correct translation for this question:

"Haben Sie Zimmer frei?"