15. Februar 2024

Easy Talk 7: Exercises

discount noteworthy flea market admission exhibit introduction to be useful to guide exhibition to mark something
Einführung Flohmarkt nennenswert etwas eingeben Eintritt Gebühr Rabatt Ausstellungsstück das klingt einfach hilfreich

What is the correct translation of "admission"?

Tick the right answer, please!


What is useful when visiting a museum?

There are two correct answers!

Please look at the photo! What kind of museum is this?

What do you often get when you're a senior?

Please tick the right answer, please!

What is the meaning of "to mark some thing"?

Tick the correct answer, please!

What are you usually not allowed to take into the museum?

There are two correct answers. Tick them, please!

What is the meaning of "noteworthy"?

Tick the right answer, please!

What is to see in an aviation museum?


What can you buy at a flea market?

There are two correct answers. Tick them, please!

What is to see in a museum?

Three answers are correct. Please tick them!