12. Februar 2024

Easy Talk 6: Exercises

terrible runny nose plaster wound treat chemist’s commonly stomach sanitizer bandage
Hustensaft Kopfschmerzen Heftpflaster Laufende Nase gewöhnlich Erkältung Behandlung Zahnschmerzen Wunde Apotheke

Please look at the photo! What do you see?

There are three correct answers.


What are the symptoms of a cold?

There are two correct answers. Tick them, please!

What is the difference between ache and pain?


What medicine do you need when you have a cold?

There are two correct answers. Tick them, please!

What is the difference between pharmacy and chemist's ?


Who or what is a sanitizer?

Tick the right answer, please!

What do you need, if your have a headache?

Tick the right answer, please!

What belongs to a first aid kit? (erste-hilfe-ausrüstung)

Three answers are correct. Please tick them!

What is the translation for "stolpern"?

Tick the correct answer, please!

What does a dentist treat?