12. Februar 2024

Easy Talk 6: Exercises

terrible runny nose plaster wound treat chemist’s commonly stomach sanitizer bandage
Hustensaft Kopfschmerzen Heftpflaster Laufende Nase gewöhnlich Erkältung Behandlung Zahnschmerzen Wunde Apotheke

What do you need, if your have a headache?

Tick the right answer, please!

What are the symptoms of a cold?

There are two correct answers. Tick them, please!

What medicine do you need when you have a cold?

There are two correct answers. Tick them, please!

What is the difference between pharmacy and chemist's ?


What is the translation for "stolpern"?

Tick the correct answer, please!

What is the difference between ache and pain?


What does a dentist treat?


Please look at the photo! What do you see?

There are three correct answers.


What belongs to a first aid kit? (erste-hilfe-ausrüstung)

Three answers are correct. Please tick them!

Who or what is a sanitizer?

Tick the right answer, please!