12. Februar 2024

Easy Talk 5: Exercises

moose key chain cuddly toy mug eraser fridge magnet rack colouring book pen gadget
Becher Radiergummi hinten,hinterer Bereich Regal auswählen Elch Stift, Füller Stofftier Briefmarke Kunstgegenstand

What is the English word for "Schreibwaren"?

Please tick the right answer!

Take a look at the picture, please!

Tick the right term!


What can you do with a mug?

Choose the right answer, please!

Listen and tick the right translation, please!



What you can not buy in a souvenir store?

Please read the following sentence and choose the correct translation, please!


"Die Becher stehen im Regal."

What can you do with a pen?

Take a look at the picture and tick the right term, please!


What is correct translation for "auswählen"?

Tick the right answer, please!