9. März 2024

Easy Talk 12: Exercises

colleague slot immediately key card an hour ago breakfast room all right next to to enter to come on
eingeschaltet werden Schlüsselkarte Schlitz Kollege vor einer Stunde Fahrstuhl betreten neben recht so unmittelbar

What is the correct translation of "an hour ago" ?

Choose the right answer, please!

Please listen! What are the three correct translations?


What is the meaning of "all right"?




What is the meaning of "to make sure"?

Tick the right answer, please!



Please take a look at the picture!

What do you see?



There are different English terms for "neben".

Please choose the two right ones!



Please take a look at the picture!

What kind of people are these?

Please take a look at the picture!

What is it called? Two answers are correct, tick them!