10. April 2024

Come together 8: Exercises

to feel grounded pedestrian regular to long for sun to plan ahead member of the staff jaywalking to master cyclist gym
sich geerdet fühlen Fußgänger Stammgast sich nach Sonne sehnen vorausplanen Mitglied der Belegschaft Verkehrsregeln missachten meistern, beherrschen Radfahrer Fitnesscenter

What is called "the Met" in New York?


Please listen and translate.

There are two correct answers!



When you're out and about on foot, you are called...

What is the meaning of: "He's at the gym" ?

Tap the correct meaning, please!


What is a "regular"?

Please tap the correct answer!

Please have a look at the picture!

What is the meaning? Please tap two correct answers!


Do you remember?

What is the correct translation for "Personal"?

Please listen and tap the correct translation!


What word can describe a person, who is sensible and has a good understanding of what is really important in life?