30. März 2024

Come together 5: Exercises

coincidence to assume clumsiness intentional to spill something approach stranger to be polite it sounds odd noisy and crowded
Zufall vermuten, annehmen Tollpatschigkeit beabsichtigt etwas verschütten Vorgehensweise, Annäherung Fremde/r höflich sein es klingt seltsam laut und voll

Please tap another word instead of "to guess"!

Please listen and tap the correct translation!


If something is "noisy and crowded", it is....

What is the meaning of "approach"?

Tap the correct answer, please!



Please look at the picture!

Which word goes with it? Please tap it!


Please listen and tap the correct translation!

What is the meaning of "to be off for a meeting"?

Tap the correct translation, please!

Please look at the picture an read the words!

Which English word goes with them? Please tap it!


What is the meaning of "to be odd"?

Tap the right translation, please!