14. August 2024

Come together 19: Exercises

backcountry creepy thrill crawlies to attach scary poisonous opportunity curious
neugierig sein Nervenkitzel etwas anhängen gruselig sein giftig sein Brotaufstrich viel, viele Gelegenheit angsteinflößend sein

What is meant by "creepy crawlies"?

Tick them, please!

Please read:

"the part of Australia that is far from cities and where few people live"

What is it called?


Please read:

"a feeling of great excitement or happiness"

What could be meant?


What is the English word for "etwas anhängen"?


Please have a look at the picture!

How could you describe the picture?

Notice: There are two correct answers!


Please read:

"having a desire to learn or know more about something or someone"

What could be meant?


What is the nickname for Australia?

Please have al look at the picture!

What could that be?