14. März 2022

Road Lesson 22


Look at the picture, please!

What is the right term?



What can your hear?

Tick the two right answers, please!

What do you need (brauchen) for an "evening attire"?

Three answers are right!



Please have a look at the picture below (unten, unterhalb)!

What is the correct meaning?


What is the meaning of "to offer something" ?

Please tick the right answer!



What is the meaning of "to take care of something"?


What is the meaning of "to be scared" ?

Tick the right answer, please!

What is the correct translation for "ein Foto machen"?


Please look at the picture!

What are the two right terms ? Tick them, please!


Please listen - then tick the two right answers!



What is the difference between "some/something" and "any/anything" ?

Choose the correct answer, please!