3. Mai 2016

Road Lesson 2


Susan: Hello Bettina, hello Mark! It is nice to see you!

Mark: It is nice to see you, too!

Susan: How was your flight?

Mark: It was a little long, but good. Very quiet.

Susan: Were there a lot of people on the plane?

Mark: Yes, there were a lot, it was very crowded.

Susan: Are you tired?

Mark: A little bit. It was too cold to sleep.

Susan: Would you like to come to my place?

Mark: Yes, we would like to freshen up a little.

Susan: Ok, let’s go!

There were turbulences!

There were no blankets, ear phones, newspapers.

My flight was: nice, comfortable,terrible/awful, exhausting/tiring ,crowded

After the flight, I would like to: rest, take a nap,  sleep, change (clothes), eat/drink something, go to the hotel



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Complete (vervollständige) the sentence and choose (wähle) the correct translation, please!


It was too cold to sleep, now I am....?



Choose the right term, please!



If a plane is full of people, it is called.....?

Choose the right term, please!



Choose the right term!


Listen and choose the correct translation, please!



What do you need for listening music on the plane?

Choose the right term, please!



Listen and choose the correct translation, please!