28. März 2024

Come together 4: Exercises

freedom to rate nursing home least purpose to base on living in peace to be caught abroad space
Freiheit etwas bewerten Pflegeheim wenigsten Bestimmung, Sinn aufstützen, basieren in Frieden leben gefangen sein im Ausland Platz, Raum

What is the meaning of:

"I've got to run now" ?

What is the meaning of "to move out?"

There are two correct answers, tick them please!

What is the meaning of "to rate something"?


What is the opposite of "most"?

Tick the correct answer, please!

Please listen and tick the correct translation!


What is the opposite of war?

Select the correct answer, please!

What is the meaning of "to be caught up in a job"?

Tick the right answer, please!