26. März 2024

Easy Talk 28: Exercises

to stumble to be suspicious eye-catching underneath suddenly apart from theft pickpocket purse appearance
stolpern verdächtig sein auffällig darunter plötzlich abgesehen davon Diebstahl Taschendieb Geldbörse (GB) Aussehen

Please have a look at the picture below.

What is the right term?




Please look at the picture below!

What could happen?


What is the correct translation of "apart from"?

Please choose the correct answer!



Please listen and choose the right translation!



What is the correct translation for the German word "plötzlich"?

Tick the right answer, please!

Please have a look at the picture below.

There are two right terms, please tick them!




Please listen! Choose the correct translation, please!


Please look at the picture below. What is the correct verb?

Tick the right answer, please!



Please listen! What is the correct translation?


Please look at the picture below. What is the correct verb?

Tick the right answer, please!