25. März 2024

Easy Talk 25: Exercises

travel agent’s worst case adventure terrific independent pretty strict excitement Caribbean wedding anniversary it’s not my cup of tea
Reisebüro schlimmster Fall Abenteuer großartig unabhängig sehr streng Aufregung karibisch, Karibik Hochzeitstag das ist nicht mein Ding

Look at the picture, please!

What is the right translation?


Where do people feel independent?

Please listen and choose the correct translation!



What is another term for "camper van"?

What is the translation for "excitement"?


Listen and tick the correct translation, please!


What is the meaning of "It's not my cup of tea"?

Tick the correct answer, please!

What is the translation of "schlimmster Fall"?

Choose the correct answer, please!



Please listen and choose the correct answer!


What is the meaning of "pretty strict"?

Tick the right answer, please!