23. März 2024

Easy Talk 22: Exercises

te be worth seeing to be famous it’s your turn not to mention impressive outstandig neighbourhood site attractions quite famous
sehenswert sein berühmt sein Du bist dran ganz zu schweigen von beindruckend herausragend Nachbarschaft Stätte Attraktionen recht berühmt

What is the meaning of "outstanding"?'

What is the meaning of "not to mention"?

Please listen! There are three correct answers, choose them!



Please translate!

"He is quite big."

What is the meaning of "worth seeing"?

Choose the correct answer, please!

What is the correct translation for "beeindruckend"?

Tick the right answer, please!

Please listen and tick the correct translation!


What is the meaning of "impressive"?

Choose the correct answer, please!

What is the meaning of "famous"?

Choose the correct answer, please!