11. Februar 2024

Easy Talk 4: Exercises

staff stretchy immediately afternoon to try on lighter fitting rooms instead prefer size
bedient werden Freundlichkeit Länge sofort eng Größe Art suchen Umkleidekabinen stattdessen

Please listen! What is the right translation?



Please listen! Tick the two right translations, please!



Please listen! What is the correct translation?




Please listen! What is the right translation?


What is the translation of "to fit"?

Choose the right answer, please!

Where you can get a cut?

Please tick the two right answers!

What is the translation for "Baumwolle"?

Have a look at the picture, please! What is the right meaning?




What is the meaning of "to be attended"?

Choose the right answer, please!

What is the translation for "anprobieren"?

Choose the right answer, please!